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Danko Radulovic

product design

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Luminescent Vase by AN(ita) Barthelemy DA(nko) Radulovic LO(uis) Aspar

Wood is needed to light up the fire, water is needed to put it out. Using modern technologies and materials, the “Andalo vase” metaphorically illustrates the same inversed phenomenon: water is used to light up a fire in the wood. “Andalo” is a wooden opaque vase that indicates the quantity of water poured in it and informs the user when the water should be changed. When the vase is empty or switched off, it looks like an ordinary wooden monolith. As water is poured inside, LED indicators that are hidden beneath the thin wooden layer begin to glow. 

draw your own lamp

is a concept of lighting body with integrated drawing board. A marker can be used for writing on the board, and a cloth is used for cleaning. The advantage of such a concept is the fact that the visual identity of a lamp can be created in many ways with any creative gesture. It is primarily provided for children’s rooms since it encourages creativity and enriches the imagination of children, but it can be used, as well, by anyone who has a need for creative expression.


The clock is a witty interpretation of the English word CAT. When it is read in Cyrillic alphabet, the meaning is completely different.


Candlestick refers to the Serbian national expression to aid and abet someone (the word-for-word translation of the original Serbian expression"drati nekom sveu" is to hold someone a candle). He holds salt, she holds pepper and he holds them a candle. That is actually a salt and pepper stand with plastic silhouettes in the background where a boy silhouette holds salt, a girl silhouette holds pepper and a third boy holds a candle (literally). The purpose of such products is to conduct and implement universal (global) design principles in the national culture and language and thus to create a witty but unique context. 


design inspired by well-known dilemma : what is older, chicken or the egg ? 


represents a floor/ standing lamp with integrated clock. Design of this lamp is minimalist: letters M and H have the function of the hands (M=minute, H=hour).

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